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Lance Dipoma – Owner

About Lance Dipoma

Owner, Destra Business Services
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Lance Dipoma is the owner of Destra Business Services, a dedicated family man that prides himself on saving his clients money one line at a time. As a father and husband, Lance’s personal goal is to be the best he can be for his family, always making himself available to those he loves and lending a helping hand whenever possible.

Professionally, Lance’s goal is to continue building Destra Business Services to the point where it affords his family greater security and comfort, allowing for a better work-life balance. He demonstrates his commitment to his clients by delivering significant cost savings of up to 50-60% on their elevator phone line expenses, while also providing superior service that surpasses the quality of traditional phone lines.

Outside of work, Lance enjoys playing golf and tennis, as well as taking daily walks with his dog Chewy. He also has a passion for traveling around this great country and meeting new people.

With his dedication to both his family and his clients, Lance Dipoma is an accomplished and well-rounded individual.

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