In most situations, the answer is Yes.
According to ASME 17.1, Saftey Code for Elevators and Escalators, Section 2.27 EMERGENCY OPERATION AND SIGNALING DEVICES
Part states, A two-way communication means between the car and a location staffed by authorized personnel shall be provided.
And most importantly, Part (d) states, The two-way communication means shall provide on-demand to authorized personnel, information that identifies the building location and elevator number and that assistance is required.
In summary, an emergency phone line dedicated to the elevator is recommended or even mandatory to ensure reliable and uninterrupted communication in case of emergencies. It’s crucial to consult local regulations and consider your specific building circumstances.
We believe the most suitable and compliant solution is a dedicated cellular phone line like our Mobile Connect 2 service.
For more information on ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers ) or to read the whole code (2019), click here.
For more information on California’s safety orders regarding elevator communication, click here.